We've built a first-of-its-kind laboratory that trains influencers, artists, leaders, and advocates to stand up for Jews online.

Participants left the lab with countless new skills to advocate for Jews online more effectively — and with a community of other activists with whom to cooperate.

Here’s what some of our alumni, speakers, and guests had to say about the Jews Talk Justice lab:

I took some time to reflect and think about what these last few days have meant to me; I’ve been emotional all day after everything we’ve been through together. 

This truly has been a life-changing few days for me.

Each and every one of you has shown so much kindness, understanding, and compassion and it’s truly something I’ve never experienced in my life. 

I feel honored and blessed to have been a part of this whole experience and I’m going to bed a better person tonight. 

— Ben, Influencer

Thank you to Hen Mazzig and The Tel Aviv Institute for hosting Jews Talk Justice. Just…WOW. You and your team are simply AMAZING. We truly are ALL one big family.

— Jew Belong

I spent 3 days absorbing so many lessons from an incredible lineup of experts in their fields alongside so many other online activists for Judaism. Not only did I learn so many new things by I also made amazing friends and connections along the way. It was truly a unique experience to have so many peers who understand you and engage thoughtfully.

— Aly Silverberg, Snapchat Content Specialist & Influencer

The last few days I attended the Jews Talk Justice conference, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with Jewish (and non-Jewish) activists and advocates that stand up against antisemitism and are pro-humanity pro-peace. During the last conflict in May, I never felt more alone or afraid of the future. After the last few days, I felt quite the opposite — empowered, inspired, motivated, united, and ready to continue to share my truth. Thank you, Hen Mazzig and Tel Aviv Institute, for bringing us all together, allowing us to connect, and making us feel a little less lonely in a world that can sometimes be dark.

— Moti Ankari, Influencer

This experience was so important to me and a turning point in my life & work. You created something so powerful and gave me the strength to go harder, feel supported and knowledge that is power.

— Sarah Meital Benjamin, Influencer

A truly life-changing and inspiring week...affirming and magical.

— Jonah Platt, Actor

As a travel blogger, I’ve been on my solid share of influencer trips, however, none have been as transformative and meaningful as the Tel Aviv Institute Jews Talk Justice trip to Israel. ⁣ You have awoken a fire inside of me that has been asleep for too long. I love what I do, but I realized the strong Jewish justice aspect is what will help me live my best and most authentic self, as well as give me a greater and more fulfilling purpose. I feel like I’ve gained more value and perspective in these few short days with Tel Aviv Institute than I ever did in a college graduate classroom. And I say this as a college educator.

— Mona Molayem, Influencer & Pinterest Resident Creator

Fighting the good fight is exhausting and can be hard and lonely.

Meeting allies, hearing their stories of being Jewish and standing up for their people is strengthening, uplifting and frankly, sustaining. Thanks, Hen Mazzig and the Tel Aviv Institute for an amazing experience. Meeting Caribbean Jews, Native American Jews, Black Jews, Latina Jews, Yemenite, Mizrachi, LGBTQ Jews, etc AND non-Jewish allies who love their people fiercely and stand against antisemitism is such a gift. I had a profound experience and I’m deeply grateful.

I made wonderful connections, soul deep connections, in the past few days.

— Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll, Influencer

I’m so honored to have been a part of this experience. One takeaway I have is knowing that I am not alone; we are not alone. The more united we are, the stronger are our voices. I’m glad I have this space to turn to you all for myself.

— Sefira Lightstone, Influencer

Taking a moment at Ben Gurion airport on my way home to London, and reflecting on my Jews Talk Justice trip to Israel with Tel Aviv Institute: I made friends that feel like family, I learned about myself, my religion, my culture, my very being. I opened my mind to what’s possible and I closed it to messiness and what’s unimportant. One of the most bonding, enlightening and humble experiences of my life.

– Karen Cinnamon , Founder "Smashing The Glass" and "Your Jewish Life"

This event was powerful, impactful, educational, and eye-opening.

— Nata Ringe, Influencer

Thank you so much for a life-altering trip to Israel. I must admit when you originally reached out to me about attending I thought it was some sort of joke. Thank you for creating space for us to share openly AND for giving us the tools to bring more nuance and compassion to many difficult conversations.

I was challenged and inspired by all of the speakers and I’m excited to bring this experience, this learning to my online presence and my community!

It is truly an honor and a privilege to be in community with all of you amazing people!

— Tony Westbrook, Influencer & Community Leader

In Jews Talk Justice©, and Jews for Justice© programming, our team conducts workshops on social media, messaging, branding, fighting antisemitism through comedy, and pitching to news outlets.

How? In addition to our training sessions, we bring in world-class speakers to help them refine and deepen their messages.

Our participants have been able to have provocative conversations with heavy hitters such as: 

  • Congressman Ritchie Torres
  • “America’s Rabbi” David Wolpe
  • James Beard Winning Chef Michael Solomonov
  • Member of Israeli Knesset Gilad Kariv
  • Palestinian & Israeli parents who've lost children in the conflict
  • Jews of Color Expert Ilana Kaufman
  • Women of the Wall CEO Lesley Sachs
  • Holocaust survivor and bestselling author Lucy Lipiner
  • Acclaimed food writer Adeena Sussman
  • JewBelong mastermind Archie Gottesman
  • Advertising guru Matthew Waksman
  • Scholars in race, religion, and indigenity

Congressman Ritchie Torres speaks on forging allies against antisemitism.

Member of Knesset Gilad Kariv and the Executive Director of the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism joins participants for a conversation on religious pluralism.

CLASS OF 2024, Tel-Aviv

Hannah Jacqueline Kaye · Alex Woscoff · Tamar Teifeld  · Lani Mekeel · Ari Dayan ·  Irit Landgraf · Zoe Buckman  · Debbie Lechtman · Amelia Adams · Ben Rebuck · Kenneth Hamilton · Jennifer Cohn · Liorah Tchiprout · Emmanuelle Chriqui · Ella Sisso · Ari Axelrod · Liz Rose ·  Avigail Collins · Daniel-Ryan Spaulding · Matthew Nouriel · Bianca Jade · Hallie Abrams · Ian Thornton · Jade Tailor

CLASS OF 2023, Tel-Aviv

Aliza Sokolow · Nicole Zisman · Chantae Vetrice · Yseult P. Mukantabana · Gina Schulman · Leslie Schapira  · Zoe Buckman · Jonah Platt  · Joanie Leeds  · Ben Rebuck · Nicole Raviv · Dr. Noa Sterling · Liz Teich  · Shanni Suisa · Nicky Kelvin · Ido Dankner · Mirna Funk · Ethan Zohn · Margot Touitou · Shanna Fuld · Elliott Norris · Eyal Booker · Melissa Rosenfield · Marc Jorden · Cindy Seni

CLASS OF 2022, Los Angeles

Ariel Sara Tidhar · Eyal Berkover · Ariel Scheer Stein · Ali Cobrin Resnick  · Zakary Resnick ·  Pamela Shayna Wiznitzer  · Jenny Abrams  · Jordan Daniels  · Avery Stone Fish  · Hughie Stone Fish  · Jessica Stone Fish · Liz Kennedy · Shekhiynah Larks  · Swell Ariel Or  · Josh Zilberberg  · Jaak Lambert · Emma Lahana · Talia Collis · Cathy Heller ·  Swell Ariel Or · Omer Perelman

CLASS OF 2022 Toronto

Shonna Petrook · Hillary Cohen · Julian Brass · Jessica Waks · Danielle Michaelov · Matt Hoffman  · Raquel Benitah  · Maya Fitzpatrick  · Nitsan Raiter  · Samantha Goren Goldstein  · Meytal Algranti · Nicole Bloomberg  · Megan Fisher  · Jess Burke  · Shauna Walton · Lauren Lieberman · Aliza Fisch · Leanna Hefter · Steph Gee

CLASS OF 2022, Tel-Aviv

Jake Cohen · Maayan Toledano · Joshua Cogan · Mona Molayem · Tony J. Westbrook, Jr. · Aly Silverberg · Dot Lung · Ash M. Seruya · Daniella Rabbani · Lani Mekeel · Karen Cinnamon · Felicity Spector · Sarah Meital Benjamin · Nata Ringe · Laur Plawker · Talia Sutra · Michelle Blashka · Yury Revich · Miriam Y. Cohen · Sabrina Miller · Tyler Samuels

CLASS OF 2021, New York

Moti Ankari · Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll · Matthew Nouriel · Peter Fox · Tova Ricardo · Sefira Lightstone  · Noah Shufutinsky (Westside Gravy)  · Alma Hernandez  · Amy Albertson  · Hallel Silverman  · Elisheva Rishon  · Mahrinah Shije  · Logan Levkoff-Cortes  · Chaya Lev  · Melissa Chapman  · Yirmiyahu Danzig

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